Vice-President's Foreword

Vaishalitai Shivajirao Jondhale
(Hon. Vice-President)

Born into the humble surroundings of a farmer's family in Shrirampur, Vaishalitai Jondhale's extraordinary journey from the fertile fields to nurturing fertile minds is truly awe-inspiring. Her life story is a testament to the transformative power of education and unwavering determination. Driven by an unyielding desire to uplift and empower through education, Vaishalitai joined the Samarth Samaj, a beacon of hope and opportunity. Each brick laid in this institution and every dream kindled under its roof set new milestones in the realm of education.

Her vision, extended far beyond the confines of traditional education. Embracing sustainability, she ventured into mango farming and agro products, seamlessly blending the worlds of education and agriculture. This innovative approach not only promoted sustainable practices but also reinforced the importance of integrating diverse fields for holistic development. Balancing her numerous roles with grace, Vaishalitai exemplifies the epitome of womanhood. She is a Director, a President, a loving mother, and a guiding light to countless souls. Her dedication and impact have earned her numerous laurels and accolades, yet her true legacy lies in the inspiration she provides to future generations.

Vaishalitai's journey is a symphony of triumphs and resilience - an orchestra of passion, purpose, and perseverance. Her life's work radiates a glow that illuminates even the darkest corners, showing us all that with determination and compassion, we can forge paths to greatness. She embodies the spirit of relentless pursuit of knowledge, the importance of hard work, and the power of dreams. As students of Shivajirao Jondhale College of Engineering, you are part of this incredible legacy. You are the seeds sown in fertile ground, nurtured by the vision and dedication of Vaishalitai Jondhale. Your journey here is not just about acquiring technical skills, but about growing as individuals who will make a difference in the world. You are encouraged to embrace the values of innovation, sustainability, and community service that Vaishalitai championed.

In the spirit of Vaishalitai Jondhale, we stand united, sowing seeds of knowledge and nurturing dreams, knowing that the harvest of a better tomorrow awaits. With her as our inspiration, we journey forth, emboldened to make a difference in the lives we touch and leaving behind footprints of inspiration for generations to come. Your time at Shivajirao Jondhale College of Engineering is a stepping stone to greatness, guided by the shining example of our board pf directors. Embrace this opportunity, strive for excellence, and contribute to the legacy of greatness.

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